
Refugee Book Questions And Answers

In the wake of the Syrian refugee crisis, a lot of data has been published and shared on both traditional and social media about the motility and acceptance of refugees. Much of the data shared has not been based on facts or apparent data. The purpose of this commodity is to reply xiii contentious and usually posed questions about refugees in America, using data from credible sources such as the U.s. Department of Homeland Security, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), and the Us Section of State.

Here are the 13 questions we will try to answer:

1. How many refugees come to the The states every twelvemonth?

2. How does the number of refugees compare to other types of immigrants?

3. Where do refugees come up from?

4. How many refugees come from Syrian arab republic?

five. How many refugees are Muslim?

6. How will accepting refugees change the population of Muslims in the US?

7. Where do refugees settle?

8. What is the impact of states refusing refugee settlements on the refugee population?

nine. What is the demographic makeup of refugees?

10. How many refugees are "young unmarried males"?

11. How many refugees been arrested for terrorist activities?

12. How much does refugee resettlement cost the federal government?

xiii. How does spending on refugees compare with spending on veterans and the homeless?

ane. How many refugees come to the US every year?

Over the last ten years, the average number of refugees settling in the United states has been about 60k. In the past iii years it has been around 70k. Each year the President, in consultation with Congress, determines the numerical ceiling for refugee admissions. For FY 2016, the US government has proposed that the ceiling be increased to 85k.

[Chart] How many refugees settle in the US every year?

All charts are licensed as CC with Attribution. To share the chart above, delight use the lawmaking beneath:

<img src="" alt="[Chart] How many refugees settle in the US every year?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> by Venngage.

2. How does the number of refugees compare to other types of immigrants?

Is 70k or 85k refugees a lot compared to other groups of people coming to the US, permanently or otherwise? No. Refugees brand up a small percentage of immigrants and visitors who enter the Usa every year. In fact, in 2013, at that place were over 48M people who entered the land as tourists alone.

[Infographic] Refugees vs tourists

All charts are licensed every bit CC with Attribution. To share the chart above, please employ the code below

<img src="" alt="[Infographic] Refugees vs Tourists"/><a href="">Infographic</a> by Venngage.

In fact, to put it as a percentage, refugees don't fifty-fifty come close to 0.ane% of the total admissions into the country (including all nonimmigrant admissions such equally tourists, business visitors, exchange visitors, students, diplomats, etc). It's barely a drop in a bucket. Incidentally, in that location are more immigrants who entered the canton every bit "Unknown" than refugees. These proportions take stayed relatively the aforementioned over the past x years. A total table of immigration statistics can be viewed hither.

[Infographic] How does the number of refugees compare to other types of immigrants?

All charts are licensed equally CC with Attribution. To share the nautical chart above, please use the code below:

<img src="" alt="[Chart] How do refugees compare to other types of immigrants?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> by Venngage.

3. Where do refugees come up from?

Refugees are usually from countries that are at war or are being persecuted. We looked at data spanning 10 years (2004 – 2013) and mapped out the number of refugees hailing from each country in the map beneath.

[Map] Where do refugees come from?

All charts are licensed every bit CC with Attribution. To share the chart above, delight utilize the code below:

<img src="" alt="[Map] Where do refugees come up from?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> by Venngage.

What are the countries that spurred the largest number of refugees in the last x years? The 3 countries with the largest number of refugees hailing from them were Burma (118,476), Iraq (93,788) and Bhutan (70,341). Below is nautical chart of the top twenty countries that refugees hailed from.

Top 20 Refugee Countries

All charts are licensed as CC with Attribution. To share the nautical chart above, delight apply the code beneath:

<img src="" alt="[Chart] Where practice Refugees come from?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> by Venngage.

iv. How many refugees come from Syria?

Between 2004 and 2013 there were only a total of 221 refugees from Syria. In 2014, Syrian refugees numbered merely 132. For 2015 and 2016, the estimated numbers for Syrian refugees are i,800 and 10,000, respectively.

[Chart] How many refugees come from Syria?

<img src="" alt="[Infographic] How many refugees come from Syria"/><a href="">Infographic</a> by Venngage.

5. How many refugees are Muslim?

Edited: Jeremy Vocalist-Vine from Buzzfeed has corrected my before assertion about non being able to detect refugee data on organized religion. Turns out I was merely bad at looking. I've used the data from Buzzfeed's Github repo that contains cleaned upward datasets to update the nautical chart below:

From 2005 – 2015, the percentage of Muslim refugees were 31%. For the concluding three years, there have been a slightly higher percentage of Muslims, at around 40%.

[Infographic] How many refugees are muslim?

<img src="" alt="[Nautical chart] How Many Refugees are Muslim?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> past Venngage.

6. How will accepting refugees alter the population of Muslims in the United states of america?

Will accepting Muslim refugees increase the population of Muslims in the United States in the short term? Is there any truth that Muslim refugees will be the get-go of the "Islamization of the West"? While these concerns are more common in Europe, information technology is interesting to view this within an American context.

As described in question #2, the yearly refugee population in the U.s.a. is around 70k-80k. If we use our estimate from the previous question–where 40% of refugees (from the last 3 years) are from Muslim –then the number of Muslim refugees comes out to around 28k – 32k a year. How does this touch the total population of Muslims in the US? Co-ordinate to the Pew Research Center, the Muslim population in the United states of america in 2014 was about 0.9% (around two.9M people). The addition of effectually 30k Muslim refugees would increase the Muslim population in the US slightly, but would nevertheless maintain a Muslim population of effectually 0.9% in the brusk term. However, if electric current immigration trends and birthrates proceed, the Pew Research Center predicts that the Muslim population will double to 2.1% past year 2050 (though withal a very small role of the entire population).

[Infographic] Muslim Population in US

All charts are licensed as CC with Attribution. To share the chart above, please use the lawmaking below:

<img src="" alt="[Chart] How will refugees change the Muslim population?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> by Venngage.

7. Where practise refugees settle?

Where do refugees end up after entering the US? Refugees are resettled in almost every state in the country. The Part of Refugee Resettlement publishes yearly tables of refugee counts past land of origin and which country they settled in. The map below visualizes the full number of refugees to the US over the last three years (2012 – 2014) and where they settled. Texas and California received the most refugees, followed past Michigan, Florida and North Carolina.

[Map] Where do Refugees Settle?

<img src="" alt="[Chart] Where do refugees settle?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> by Venngage.

8. What is the impact of states opposing refugee settlement on the refugee population?

Recently, 31 state governors have stated their opposition to assuasive Syrian refugees to settle in their states. Political posturing bated, the impact of this would be significant. These 31 states settled about 68% of all refugees in the last 3 years (2012 – 2014).

[Infographic] How many refugees have 31 states opposing refugees settled?

<img src="" alt="[Map] How many refugees have the 31 states refusing refugees settled?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> by Venngage.

The only alleviation for this is that the top destination for Syrian refugees in the final three years has been California, which isn't i of the states that accept opposed Syrian resettlement.

9. What is the demographic makeup of refugees?

The ceilings set by the The states government includes principal applicants, their spouses and their children. A common mistake that people make is thinking that the proposed number of refugees only take into account the main applicants.

For example, in 2013, there were 69,909 total refugees, of which 31,698 were main applicants, 11,278 were spouses, and 26,933 were children. That means that more than than one-half of refugees are children and spouses. The proportions were like when we aggregated the last three years of available data (2011 – 2013) and visualized it beneath.

<img src="" alt="[Nautical chart] What is the makeup of refugees?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> past Venngage.

x. How many refugees are "young single males"?

Many politicians have cited the fearfulness of immature single male person terrorists amongst refugees entering the country. Ben Carson, a republican candidate for presidency, claimed in an interview with CNN "the majority of [refugees] are young males." We take already dispelled this claim in question #9 and institute that the majority of refugees accepted are, in fact, children and spouses.

What nearly the principal applicants? How many of them are what the media calls unattached singles (singles that are not office of a family)? To wait at this we bankrupt down the numbers for the principal applicants by their marital status. Unattached singles (or unmarried primary applicants) account for xix% of the total refugee population.

[Infographic] How many refugees are unattached singles?

<img src="" alt="[Infographic] How many refugees are unattached singles?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> by Venngage.

Just what is the demographic makeup of Syrian refugees, specifically? The UNHCR keeps up to appointment data on registered refugees from Syrian arab republic (these are the aforementioned refugees that are referred to the United states of america for resettlement). From the UNHCR, we can see that males between the ages of xviii and 54 make up only 22% of the full Syrian refugee population.

[Infographic] Syrian Refugee Demographic

<img src="" alt="[Nautical chart] Syrian Refugees Demographic"/><a href="">Infographic</a> by Venngage.

11. How many refugees have been arrested for terrorist activities?

Exercise refugees pose a threat to the Us? Buzzfeed News recently did an analysis on terrorism in America with 5 first-class charts and came to the conclusion that acts of trigger-happy extremism in the US were mainly perpetrated by citizens.

Nevertheless, there have been some refugees who have been charged with plotting or funding acts of terror. Michelle Ye's slice in the Washington Post cites various apparent sources for this data, including the Migration Policy Constitute and the U.Southward. Refugee Admissions Program. Co-ordinate to the Migration Policy Institution, out of the 784,000 refugees resettled in the U.s.a. in the last 14 years, only iii have been charged for terrorist activities. This number is higher in other sources; according to New America, at that place have been 10 refugees charged for terrorism in the concluding fourteen years. At the RAND Corporation's testimony to Congress, Seth Jones, director of the International Security and Defense Policy Centre, also lists 10 cases of refugees arrested for terrorist activities.

It is worth noting, though, that Jones' list includes the two Boston bombers, who are technically not refugees but asylum-seekers who came to the country on visas then practical for aviary. We take removed them from our nautical chart beneath to exist consequent with other sources.

[Infographic] How many refugees have been arrested for terrorism activities?

<img src="" alt="[Chart] How many refugees take been arrested for terrorism?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> by Venngage.

12. How much does refugee resettlement cost the federal authorities?

The U.s. federal government estimates that it will spend about $ billion in 2015 on refugee processing and resettlement. For 2016, the estimated spending is nearly $1.2 billion. Spending is divided into three departments for each step of the process: in 2015, the Department of Homeland Security received about $32M for refugee processing; the Department of State received about $500M for refugee admissions; and the Section of Health and Human Services (of which the ORR is part) received some other $610M for refugee resettlement.

[Infographic] How much does refugee resettlement cost?

<img src="" alt="[Chart] How much does refugee resettlement toll?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> past Venngage.

13. How does refugee spending compare to spending on veterans and the homeless?

There is no denying that $i.2 billion is a lot of money. A lot of people take taken to social media, challenge that the government will spend more on refugees than on its own veterans and homeless populations.

Just how does this number actually compare to authorities spending on veterans and the homeless? For 2016, the Department of Veteran Diplomacy budget is requesting $seventy.2 billion for discretionary and $95.iii billion for mandatory funding, for a total of $165.five billion. For the aforementioned year, the federal regime has as well budgeted $v.five billion for homelessness assistance.

Then when you await at total spending, the authorities allots near five times more money for homelessness and about 140 times more than on veterans than on refugees.

[Infographic] Government funding refugees vs veterans vs homesless

<img src="" alt="[Infographic] How does refugee spending compare to spending on veterans and the homeless?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> past Venngage.

While the total amount the government spendson refugees is a lot less than what it spends on the veteran and homeless populations, how does this amount compare when information technology is measured in terms of toll per person? How does the per capita spending on refugees compare?

In that location are many more veterans in the US than refugees. The VA estimates that every bit of September 30, 2014, there were an estimated 22 million Veterans living in the United states of america and its territories (and an additional 27 family unit members that are eligible for benefits). Of course, not all of veterans require or access services from the VA and so what nosotros demand is to pause the cost down past VA Utilization numbers. Unfortunately, the VA does non accept into account duplicates, nor practice they disclose the number of unique veterans who utilize VA services. And then nosotros terminate up with a range of between 9.4M on the low end (veterans who accessed the healthcare service, which is the virtually utilized service) to 22M on the high cease (all veterans).

For refugees we also have a range. The budget allocated for 2016 was for a ceiling of 85,000 refugees. But the Office of Refugee Resettlement also provides services to a range of other populations such as unaccompanied children, special immigrant visa arrivals, asylees, and victims of trafficking, which adds near another 85,000 people served. Then the loftier end of this number is 170,000.

For the homeless population, the most recent report (2013) from the The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) lists 610,042 homeless persons in a given nighttime. Of this, 65% or 394,698 people are in emergency shelters or transitional housing programs. We will employ this number to approximate the low cease of the service utilization range.

The chart beneath visualizes the per capita spending for refugees, veterans and the homeless with both the high and low end estimates. On the high terminate, spending on refugees is really higher (though by but ane%) than spending on homelessness and about xx% less than spending on veterans. On the depression range, spending on refugees is still the smallest amid all 3 groups only just vii% less than veterans and 22% less than homelessness. Patently, the per capita calculations could be very different given more accurate service utilization numbers.

[Chart] Per capita spending on refugees, veterans and homeless

<img src="" alt="[Infographic] How does refugee spending per capita compare to spending on veterans and the homeless?"/><a href="">Infographic</a> past Venngage.

Last thoughts

Nosotros promise that this data sheds more calorie-free to the information circulating the spider web nearly refugees in America. We will proceed to add more questions and information equally we detect them.

Please contact the author at if you want your question answered or for any mistakes or corrections and boosted information. Or feel free to leave a comment below.

Refugee Book Questions And Answers,


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