
Of Mice And Men Cartoon

My household was belatedly to the cablevision idiot box game, so in the late 1970s and early 80s I took what I could become drawing-wise. While waiting for some of my favorites, like Looney Toons, Scooby-Doo or the Flintstones to flicker across my screen, I'd make do with the sociopathic antics of Woody Woodpecker, or the sadomasochistic practices of Tom and Jerry.

Tom and Jerry cartoons weren't among my favorites growing upwards, yet I'd hazard a bet that I've seen all the shorts produced between the 1940s and 1970s. When it came to cartoon cats, I preferred Sylvester of Looney Toons fame. I call back Mel Blanc's vox work gave the character more depth, and as a child with a pocket-size lisp, possibly I felt a kinship in our shared thpeech impediment. Jerry, however, made for a far more interesting adversary than the freakishly encephalitic Tweety Bird. While I always rooted for the true cat in Sylvester and Tweety cartoons, I was team Jerry all the way when watching Tom and Jerry. Had Sylvester and Jerry ever faced off in an animation studio crossover, my immature mind would take been truly blown.

Sylvester and Jerry. Mind blowing
Though they weren't my favorites overall when I was younger, a couple Tom and Jerry shorts remain among my all-time favorite cartoons. The first is "Pecos Pest" from 1953 which features Jerry'south mustachioed Uncle Pecos, a land vocalist who comes to pay a visit to the metropolis for his large television debut. Uncle Pecos is a tiny mouse whose face is obscured past a comically huge mustache and an oversized 10-gallon hat. Uncle Pecos arrives guitar in manus, and subsequently a "Howdy there nephew!" he begins to rehearse a stutter-ridden variation of "Frog Went A-Courtship" called "Crambone." The operation, voiced by singer and graphic symbol actor Shug Fisher, relies on yodeling false-starts, and an afflicted stutter for laughs. Despite its potential offensiveness to anyone with a stutter, I can't help finding the vocal hilarious. If we are to acquire annihilation from old cartoons, it is that speech impediments are comedy gilded.


The main gag in this short is Uncle Pecos's inability to keep his guitar strung. His song is continually interrupted as one of his guitar string breaks with a poing. In search of a guitar cord, Uncle Pecos finds a handy substitute in the whiskers of a sleeping Tom and fearlessly plucks one, stringing it into his guitar. The outcome is an obligatory chase, as Jerry rescues his uncle who continues to stutter his way through "Crambone," oblivious to the danger of the house cat on their tails. As Uncle Pecos continues to interruption strings, he boldly seeks out another one of Tom's whiskers, reversing the formulaic cat-and-mouse hunt, as the tortured Tom flees the whisker-hunting mouse.

Heeere's Pecos!

Heeere's Pecos!

More than 30 years afterwards get-go hearing them, the lyrics "froggie went a-courtin' he did ride c-c-c-c- crambone!" yet manage bladder up to the surface of my consciousness.

" data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" loading="lazy" class="wp-image-2196" src="" alt="Tom and Jerry in "Mice Follies"" width="480" height="360" srcset=" 800w, 600w" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px">

Tom and Jerry in "Mice Follies"

My favorite Tom and Jerry drawing is the 1954 short, "Mice Follies." In it, Jerry and his sometime sidekick, the younger diaper-wearing mouse named Nibbles, turn the kitchen of the firm they inhabit into an ice skating wonderland. I mostly disliked episodes featuring Nibbles, maybe because I was confused by the small mouse'due south human relationship with Jerry. Were we to assume that Jerry was a divorcee with weekend custody of Nibbles? This might explain his infrequent appearances, just it was disruptive nonetheless. It's likely that I'm projecting here given my own experiences with sidekick condition to my own divorcee dad. Despite the younger incontinent mouse's presence, I was always smitten by "Mice Follies." I don't observe it as amusing as "Pecos Pest," just I'grand enamored by the overall production pattern of the curt.

Perma-freeze engaged

Perma-freeze engaged

Mice Follies opens with Jerry and Nibbles flooding the kitchen by turning on all available h2o sources and so wink freezing the water with a cooling chemical element from the refrigerator. The effect is serene and twinkling wonderland of ice. The backdrop of the frozen kitchen is rendered in placid dejection and greens with sparkling translucent ice. Jerry and Nibbles skate and slide across the kitchen floor to Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Dazzler Waltz, complete with a spotlight imaginatively created by a flashlight shone through different colored Jell-O molds.

In a pinch, Jell-O and a flashlight makes a handy spotlight

In a pinch, Jell-O and a flashlight makes a handy spotlight

Earlier long, Tom awakens to discover that the kitchen has been turned into an water ice-skating rink, pursues the rodents, and rapidly learns that his feline grace is useless to him on the ice. As usual, the mice get the best of Tom, freezing him into an water ice sculpture and taunting him as they skate circles around him. Watching every bit an adult, I find that I accept a greater sympathy for Tom. Those mice put that poor cat through hell. Maybe it was easier to identify with the little guy as a kid, only since meeting my married woman I've been converted into a true cat-person (potentially of the crazy diverseness).

Robert Gentle's beautiful background painting

Robert Gentle's beautiful background painting

While "Mice Follies" is rife with the usual gratuitous violence, information technology is interspersed with quiet moments and an overall tranquil tone thanks to Scott Bradley'due south score and cute backgrounds expertly painted by Robert Gentle. I've ever been enamored with the aesthetics of "Mice Follies". It evoked a dreamy country where I'd lose myself in its dazzler and imagination. It'southward i of the cartoons that I wanted to live in when I was younger, perhaps as an escape from a far less placid reality.

Watching them now, I find that I'm more of a Tom and Jerry fan than I used to exist. I now prefer them over their Looney Toons counterparts. With the exception of appearances by speaking characters like Uncle Pecos, the storytelling in Tom and Jerry relies on not-exact communication, allowing more than room for the viewer's imagination. As an adult, I've assigned a higher value to imagination. It's a commodity that many adults tend to lack. Thankfully my ability to momentarily lose myself in these cartoons remains intact. I'1000 glad for that.

Of Mice And Men Cartoon,


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